Frequently Asked Questions
Is ringing hard physical work?
No. Once you've learnt how to ring, ringing is normally an easy, fluid action that does not require any hard physical effort. It is all about a fine touch rather than brute force.
Inexperienced ringers can sometimes find ringing tiring, usually because they are ringing with an inefficient style. This improves with time. Ringing big bells (over half a tonne, say) can be hard work at times, but if you've reached that standard you will probably relish it.
What is access like for bellringing?
Access to ring the bells in
both the bell towers we have in Hobart requires climbing stairs. St. David's Cathedral has an enclosed spiral staircase that goes all the way to the roof of the tower. The ringing room is 35 steps from the ground. Holy Trinity has a wooden staircase of about 25 steps to its ringing room.
Do you need to be "musical"?
No. The only musical ability we look for is a sense of rhythm. Most people have that. Bellringing has its own written notation that uses numbers. It does not use musical notation and change ringing is not in any way the same as playing music.
Do you need to be a member of the church?
No. Whether you are, or are not a churchgoer makes no difference. We have a mix in our band, as do most bands.
Is bellringing dangerous?
Not if you have been taught how to do it. Otherwise, yes - attempting to ring a bell when you are not properly trained or supervised could result in a broken bone or other serious injury. Heed the warning notices.
Does bellringing damage your hearing?
Pardon? Seriously, no, there is no danger. It is possible to have a quiet conversation in the ringing room while the bells are ringing. If you were to be upstairs among the bells while they were ringing, that would be a different story. Ear protection is mandatory in that environment.
Is it possible to practise without the whole town hearing what we're doing?
Not really, but:
- We run our individual teaching sessions for beginners using technology and software that allows the bells to be heard inside but not outside.
- We have shutters that we use to reduce the volume of the bells when necessary (in particular when there is a concert in the Town Hall on a Monday evening).